Teaming Partner: MNS Engineers
Client: City of Solvang
The severe winter storms that occurred between January and March 2023 caused scouring of the western bank of Alisal Creek in the City of Solvang. High flows resulted in severe erosion of the channel bank adjacent to Alisal Road which threatened to undermine the road as well as a buried high pressure gas line within the embankment. Alisal Creek is designated critical habitat for south-central coast DPS steelhead and suitable habitat for California red-legged frog. JBD has been assisting the City of Solvang with pre-construction surveys, environmental monitoring, and permit reporting pursuant to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit (RGP).
Teaming Partner(s): Pacific Coast Conservation Alliance and Papich Construction
Client: County of Monterey
JBD is providing permit compliance monitoring services for two bridge replacement/repair projects in southern Monterey County. The Nacimiento Lake Drive project involves a full bridge replacement across the San Antonio River. The existing bridge does not meet the current structural design of seismic safety standards. The San Antonio River is designated critical habitat for south-central coast DPS steelhead. Other aquatic semi-aquatic species with potential to occur include Monterey roach and western pond turtle. A JBD fisheries biologist was present to monitor all activities involving the placement of gravel for temporary falsework pads in the river, including the construction of a sandbag coffer dam to encompass the pads.
The Bradley Road Bridge Scour Repair Project involves a retrofit of the existing bridge over the Salinas River. The project includes the installation of scour retrofits at the substructure of Piers 16 through 19 of the bridge to reduce the potential for scour damage to the existing bridge pier foundations. The Salinas River is designated critical habitat for south-central coast DPS steelhead. Other aquatic semi-aquatic species with potential to occur include California red-legged frog, and western pond turtle. JBD provided a qualified biologist to monitor all in-water work, including the installation and removal of dewatering and diversion structures. Other activities included development and presentation of environmental training to construction crews, invasive species removal, and relocation of native fish and amphibians from the work area.
Nacimiento Lake Drive Bridge Replacement Project
Bradley Road Bridge Scour Repair Project
Client: Granite Construction
JBD is providing environmental compliance services for the San Ysidro and Olive Mill Roundabout Projects in Santa Barbara County. The San Ysidro Roundabout Project includes a new roundabout at the intersection of San Ysidro Road, Jameson Lane, and the northbound Highway 101 on- and off-ramps. The project will improve traffic flow on North Jameson Lane and San Ysidro Road to help Montecito through-traffic. The Olive Mill Roundabout Project will enhance traffic operations and safety for motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians at the intersection of Olive Mill Road, Coast Village Road, and North Jameson Lane. The Roundabout will also improve traffic flow on the northbound Highway 101 off-ramp at Olive Mill Road as well as the southbound Highway 101 on-ramp at Olive Mill Road.
JBD has assisted Granite in meeting the applicable Permit, License, Agreement or Certification (PLACs) developed by Caltrans for the Project. These services include development and implementation of a Bird Protection Plan/Bird Deterrence Plan, providing biological/archaeological/ and Native American monitoring support, conducting nesting bird surveys, conducting pre-construction surveys, and preparation of project reporting documents.
Client: San Luis Obispo County
JBD is providing environmental compliance services pursuant to the Environmental Commitments Record for the seismic retrofit of the Lopez Drive Bridge over Lopez Lake in San Luis Obispo County. The retrofit involves the installation of large diameter columns/shafts on each side of the existing piers. A bent cap will span between the two columns at each location and act to support or “catch” the superstructure in the event of a significant seismic event that would cause the existing supports to fail. The retrofit elements will occur beneath the deck of the existing bridge and will be accessed using temporary work trestles next to the existing bridge. Sensitive terrestrial/aquatic animal species with potential to occur include California red-legged frog, coast range newt, western pond turtle, two-striped garter snake, coast horned lizard, and slender salamander. JBD is assisting the County by providing pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, permit compliance monitoring, permit reporting, and environmental awareness training. In addition, JBD is providing underwater acoustic monitoring for trestle pile installation activities in the wetted portions of the lake. The purpose of the acoustic monitoring is to ensure peak pile-driving noise levels in the water do not exceed 206 decibel (dB) peak and 187 dB accumulated Sound Exposure Levels (SEL). JBD’s underwater noise monitoring equipment has a linear frequency response from 25Hz to 92kHz (usable from 10Hz to 93kHz) and provides recording, as well as real-time and post-processing analysis of audio-band and ultrasonic underwater signals and noise.